The Current State of Justice!

Joel Drotts
14 min readFeb 11, 2021

And there it was. All at once I had a vision of what was truly been ailing this Country for the past decade or so. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it is that almost describable feeling every American now feels every time the subject of current events, the news, police action, or the Government in general comes up. Everyone knows something is wrong, and that there has been a negative change in not just the laws of this country, but also a negative change in the state of mind of the citizens. However, no one can quite put their finger on it, describe exactly what it is, or it’s source. All your average American knows or feels is the negative influence, like an invisible cancer growing on the collective state of mind of the countries populous.

I myself, suffered from this same sort of frustration felt by all, whereby you know something is not right with this Country that birthed us, raised us, and which we call our home. Moreover, we have the desire and want to change things, and see if we can’t somehow recapture that sense of self-pride and worth that used to go hand in hand with proudly declaring yourself to be an American. To be a member of that lucky populous of the world whereby you knew we were the good guys, and we didn’t feel the need to apologize for often nonsensical and made for TV sound bite styled politics which we’ve all allowed to create huge rifts in and among our own fellow countrymen.

Where is the underlying evil force or machine of negative which is feeding this cancer we all feel to be growing on our collective…



Joel Drotts

Bay Area native and self described Libertarian. An author and Juris Doctorate I' enjoy writing both fictional stories and articles.